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The May 13 Tragedy: A Report - The National Operations Council
The May 13 Tragedy: A Report - The National Operations Council
Manufacturer Number: ML5230
Stock Status: In Stock
Malaysian Fables, Folk Tales & Legends... -... Walter Skeat & Edwin H Gomez... This is a reprinting of two books - Fables & Folk Tales from an Eastern Forest by Walter Skeat and Iban Folklore and Legends by Edwin Gomez. In each case anthropologists of the British colonial period brought to a...

The May 13 Tragedy: A Report


 The National Operations Council

The 13th May 1969 saw the worst race riots in Malaysia's brief history. Fortunately, to date, they have not been repeated. Many have picked over the debris, attempting to analyse why it happened and what actually did happen. This is a reprint of the Government's conclusions. New Paperback. 96 pages.

Weight: 0.4 kg Post free within Malaysia

Published by Silverfish Books, Kuala Lumpur, 2019 

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