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The Malay Leadership Mystique - Vaseehar Hassan Abdul Razack
The Malay Leadership Mystique - Vaseehar Hassan Abdul Razack
Manufacturer Number: ML5219
Stock Status: In Stock
The Hikayat Abdullah... -... Abdullah bin Abdul Kadir (trans AH Hill)... Annotated Translation by... A.H. Hill... Journal of The Malayan Branch of The Royal Asiatic Society Volume 28, Pt3 (no171)... This is the autobiography of a scholar and resident of Malacca in the 19th century. He was an associate of...

The Malay Leadership Mystique


 Vaseehar Hassan Abdul Razack


It is a perception, whether real or not, in Malaysia amongst both Malays and other races, that the Malay community are disadvantaged for various reasons. Since colonial times there have been various attempts to compensate for this including polices of affirmative action in favour of the Malay community. In this book the author, a Malay himself, sets out to tackle this problem head on. Through cultural studies, focus groups, expert panel interviews and psychological research, he concludes that Malays have an 'emphatic... lack of success in business.' He explains why and offers some recommendations to change this. New Hardback. First Edition. 258 pages with a Foreword by Mahathir Mohamad, arguably the architect of the country's affirmative action policies for the Malay community, references and an index. 

Weight: Post free within Malaysia

Published by August Publishing, Kuala Lumpur, 2017.