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Revisiting the Death Railway: The Survivors' Accounts - Sasidaran Sellappah
Revisiting the Death Railway: The Survivors' Accounts - Sasidaran Sellappah
Manufacturer Number: ML4433
Stock Status: In Stock
Revisiting the Death Railway:
 The Survivors' Accounts


Sasidaran Sellappah

This book is unusual among accounts of the Japanese occupation of Malaya as it is made up entirely of accounts of Asians caught up in the building of the Burma-Siam Railway. It is often forgotten that five times as many Asian labourers died on the railway compared to Allied POW deaths there, but the Asians were generally illiterate so that their voices were seldom heard. The author manages to fill that gap through interviews with elderly survivors. New Paperback. First Edition. 148 pages with a bibliography, index and several black and white plates

Weight: 0.4 kg Post free within Malaysia

Published by: Malaya University Press, Kuala Lumpur, 2019. ISBN: 9789674881054