Malayan Chinese & China Conversion in Identity Consciousness, 1945-1957
Fujio Hara
This study examines the common phenomenon of how immigrants transpose 'home' from being the country of their or their ancestors' origin to that of the place where they now live. Malaysia's a particularly interesting example in that the Chinese community's connection was not only fostered by frequent comings and goings between Malaya and China, but by the Chinese Government itself through their representatives in the country. This phenomenon also contributed to Chinese victimisation by and resistance to the Japanese and, of course, their involvement in the post World War II insurgency against the British Colonial Government. Hara's research was conducted in the late 1980s. 166 pages. Chapters include -
- 1 - China-Related Public Gatherings and Their Participating Groups,
- 2 - Chinese Language Newspapers in Malaya,
- 3 - The Role of Consulates,
- 4 - Chinese Government Policy Towards Overseas Chinese.
- There are two appendices, a glossary, a note on personal names, a bibliography and an index.
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