A Photographic Guide to The Wild Mushrooms of Borneo: 1
Albertus Tiju, Stephen P Teo, Sugeng Hendratno and Novertia
While there is a wealth of information published on the wide variety of plants to be found on the island of Borneo, books on the area's fungi and mushrooms are few and far between. The authors, from Universitas Nasional Indonesia, The Sabah Forest Department and from West Kalimantan, have combined their expertise to produce a book covering the whole island. The first 50 pages of the book are devoted to describing the life cycle of the mushroom and its varied uses, where relevant, as well as a section on the classification of fungi with recommended tools for identification. The remainder of the book is a rich collection of colour photographs with information on the each plant's biology and uses. New Paperback First Edition. 145 pages with an index
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Published by Print Lab Enterprise, Kuching, 2022