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Trade Unions and the State in Peninsular Malaysia - Jomo Kwame Sundaram & Patricia Todd
Trade Unions and the State in Peninsular Malaysia - Jomo Kwame Sundaram & Patricia Todd
Manufacturer Number: ML4501
Stock Status: In Stock

Trade Unions and the State in Peninsular Malaysia   


Jomo Kwame Sundaram & Patricia Todd 

Following on from the 1994 centenary of the establishment of the first independent legal trades union in Malaya, this book takes the reader through the country's union history from the movement's early days until their struggles with the Mahathir government in the early 1990s. Very Good Hardback. First Edition. 192 pages with tables, a bibliography and an index

Weight 0.7 kg. Post free within Malaysia.

Published by Oxford University Press, Kuala Lumpur, 1994.

ISBN: 9789676530509

Condition: The book has been rebound in leather and leatherette with gilt titling on the spine. The cover as a few smudges. The binding is tight and there is no tanning throughout.