When the British East India Company established itself in Penang in 1786, it was natural that Indian, either under indenture or as adventurers, would follow. The most numerous group of Indian migrants were plantation workers of whom much has been written. Less well known were the Chulia, Tamil Muslims, who played a vital role in the city's commercial growth. Khoo Salma devotes this extensively researched book to exploring their role in Penang until independence, emphasising particularly the supportive and cohesive functions of the community based around the main Chulia mosque on the island. 529 pages including many illustrations, a bibliography and an index.
Weight: 2kg. Post free within Malaysia, but, due to its weight, this book is likely to incur additional postal charges when posted outside Malaysia
Published by Areca Books, Penang 2014. ISBN: 9789675719158
Condition: New Hardback.