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Shari'ah and Legal Pluralism in Malaysia - Constance Chevallier-Govers
Shari'ah and Legal Pluralism in Malaysia - Constance Chevallier-Govers
Manufacturer Number: ML2683
Stock Status: In Stock
Malay Peninsula... -... (Straits Settlements & Federated Malay States)... by... CJ Kleingrothe... This is vivid and extensive photographic record of the changes taking place in the Malay Peninsula at start of the 20th century. Originally published by the photographer in 1907, this edition brings together 139 of the original 175 photographs...

Shari'ah and Legal Pluralism in Malaysia 
Constance Chevallier-Govers

The author, a leading international academic on the convergence and conflict of different legal systems, examines how Malaysia manages with applying shari'ah and civil law and makes five recommendations to make both systems function more effectively. 95 pages.

Weight: 0.4kg. Post free within Malaysia

Published by: International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur 2010

Condition: The book looks new except for a gift dedication on the half title page by HRH The Sultan of Selangor, from whose edition of the originals these photographs were taken. There are also about a dozen spots on the half title page. The slipcase has some minor scuffing and the cloth covering at one of its corners has begun to peel away for about an inch.

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