Offshore Chinese Architecture: Insights on Five Centuries of Overseas Chinese Building Practices
David Kohl
Fortunately for the lay reader, the author was not an architect or a great expert on Chinese culture when he set out to write his first book on this subject. Rather he was puzzled about how Chinese buildings in Malaysia looked different from the ones he had seen in China, so he set out to unravel the puzzle. The result is this easily readable and well-informed account of how the Chinese adapted their culture to their new surroundings. The book is divided into three parts Offshore Architecture of the Nan Yang Chinese, originally published as' Chinese Architecture in the Straits Settlements and Western Malaya, II - Offshore Chinese Architecture in the Gum Shan (Australia) and III - Chinese Gardens Offshore New Paperback. First Edition 340 pages with many line drawings a glossary, bibliography and index.
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