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Morally United and Politically Divided: The Chinese community of Penang
Morally United and Politically Divided: The Chinese community of Penang
Manufacturer Number: ML3216
Stock Status: In Stock

Morally United and Politically Divided:

The Chinese community of Penang


Claes Hallgren

A fairly intense and detailed anthropological study of the Chinese Community in Penang some 30 years after independence. Hallgren seeks to understand how an apparently united Chinese minority in the state with the highest percentage of Chinese population in the country, could be so divided politically. At the time Gerakan was the leading Chinese party in the State, but it was already ceding ground to the Democratic Action Party. 199 pages. Please see the scan of the contents page for further details.

Weight: 0.5kg. Post free within Malaysia

Published by Department of Sociology, University of Stockholm, 1986. First edition ISBN: 9789185284283

Condition: Very Good. Paperback. The cover has some noticeable, but not significant, wear. The binding is tight and the text clear with no tanning throughout.