The Dutch apparently originally came up with the idea of trying to create homes away from home for expatriate colonials unable to cope with the 'unbearable' heat and various tropical maladies associated with the tropics. This fascinating book looks at how the British set up such isolating enclaves in the Malaya of their time. It is interesting to note that Penang Hill's use as a hill station predated even the more well known hill stations of India. Very Good Hardback. First Edition 84 pages. The contents include the following chapters :1 - Hill Station, 2 - Penang Hill, 3 - Interlude: The British in the Malay States, 4 - The Mainland Belvederes, 5 - Bungalows and Gardens and 6 - Social Life and Leisure. There is also a bibliography, index and several black and white and colour plates. Near Fine Hardback
Weight: 0.5kg. Post free within Malaysia
Condition: Apart from a bump on one corner of the cover, the book looks new
Published by Oxford University Press, Kuala Lumpur, 1994. First Edition