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Fiscal Policy and Inequality in Malaysia - Wee Chong Hui
Fiscal Policy and Inequality in Malaysia - Wee Chong Hui
Manufacturer Number: ML2542
Stock Status: In Stock
Fiscal Policy and Inequality in Malaysia... --... Wee Chong Hui... The author demonstrates how inequality has increased in Malaysia in recent years as a result of fiscal policy, whether intentionally or not. For example corporation tax where wealthy shareholders bear the biggest burden has dropped from 40% in 1994 to 28%...

Fiscal Policy and Inequality in Malaysia


Wee Chong Hui

The author demonstrates how inequality has increased in Malaysia in recent years as a result of fiscal policy, whether intentionally or not. For example corporation tax where wealthy shareholders bear the biggest burden has dropped from 40% in 1994 to 28% in 1998. Similarly fiscal distributions, with the exception of an inadequately funded health system, has done little to alleviate disparities either between regions or between high and low income earners. 227 pages with an index, figures, tables, a bibliography and an index.

Weight: 0.5kg. Post free within Malaysia

Published by University of Malaya Press, Kuala lumpur, 2006. ISBN: 9789831003206

Condition: New. Paperback.

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