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Class, Race and Colonialism in West Malaysia: The Indian Case - Michael Stenson
Class, Race and Colonialism in West Malaysia: The Indian Case - Michael Stenson
Manufacturer Number: ML1215A
Stock Status: In Stock
Class, Race and Colonialism in West Malaysia:... The Indian Case... -... Michael Stenson... The author originally thought that his best approach to understanding Malaysian society would be to start by studying its component racial parts. He soon discovered that the idea of homogenous Indian, Chinese or Malay groups was a misnomer...

Class, Race and Colonialism in West Malaysia: The Indian Case


Michael Stenson

The author originally thought that his best approach to understanding Malaysian society would be to start by studying its component racial parts. He soon discovered that the idea of  homogenous Indian, Chinese or Malay groups was a misnomer and so proceeded to look at the effects of capitalism in Malaysia as his best way to work back to understanding the role of different Indian groups in the country's history. New Paperback. Reprint. Originally published in 1980.  264 pages with contents which include the following chapters - 1 - Indian Peoples and the Colonial Economy, 1907-41, 2 - The Emergence of Communal Nationalism, 3 Mobilisation of Indian Labour, 1938-41, 4 - Subcommunalism, Non-communalism and Class Affiliations, 5 - Communalism and Class During the Japanese Occupation, 1941-5, 6 - Emancipation or Reaction, 1945-48, 7 - The Working-class Alliance and the Malayan Indian Congress, 1945-8, 8 - Insurgency and Counter Insurgency, 1948-57 and 9 - The Alliance Years, 1957-69. There are also a few black and white illustrations, a bibliography and an index. 

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