Indonesia's Peatlands, while being a rich source of profit for those who exploit them, are also the source of the haze that endangers the health of the inhabitants of Indonesia and its neighbours. Here the contributors, while noting the looming catastrophe that they predict will result from the over exploitation of these peatlands, also make recommendations as to how the process can be arrested and a regeneration of the area put in place. The book is divided into three parts -
- 1 - The Scope of Tropical Biomass Societies,
- 2 - Peat Swamps as Sustainable Humanosphere: Their History and Ecology &
- 3 - The Case Study of Riau.
- 466 pages with several figures and tables, a few colour photographs and an index.
Weight 0.9kg. Post free within Malaysia
Published by NUS Press, Singapore, 2016. ISBN: 9789814722094