Articles include - Emmerick, R. (1981). Khotanese bihīya again; Skjærv⊘, P. (1981). The Old Khotanese fragment H 147 NS 115 and remarks on Old Khotanese haṃdärväto, patīśu, vya and ya; Calder, N. (1981). Zakāt in Imāmi Shī'ī jurisprudence, from the tenth to the sixteenth century A.D.; Widdess, D. (1981). Tāla and melody in early Indian music: A study of Nānyadeva's Pāṇikā songs with musical notation;Sung Hui Tsung's Musical diplomacy and the Korean response; Cowan, H. (1981). An Outline of Achehnese Phonology and morphology; Hayward, R., & Hassan, M. (1981). The Oromo orthography of Shaykh Bakri Saṗalō. Near Fine Paperback. 204 pages First Edition
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