A Bibliography of Malay and Arabic Periodicals Published in the Straits Settlements and Peninsular Malay States
1876 - 1941
W.R Roff (ed)
This useful annotated list covers nearly 200 periodicals published mainly in Malay, with a few in English that were devoted to Malay concerns, between 1876 and 1941. The majority of these were published in Penang and Singapore where most Malay-literate people lived. The annotations give details of times of publication, editors and where copies were known to be held when this book was published. 74 pages including a bibliography and indexes of Titles, proper names and publication by state. Very Good Hardback. First Edition
Weight: 0.6kg. Post free within Malaysia
Condition: The cover is still fairly fresh looking apart from some paper remnants stuck to a small area of the back. The binding is tight, text clear and there is very mild tanning throughout. |