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Elite Malay Polygamy: Wives, Wealth and Woes in Malaysia - Miriam Koktvedgaard Zeitzen
Elite Malay Polygamy: Wives, Wealth and Woes in Malaysia - Miriam Koktvedgaard Zeitzen
Manufacturer Number: ML4491
Stock Status: In Stock
The Legacy of the Malay Letter/ Warisan Warkah Melayu... by... Annabel TehGallop... This really is a beautiful book evoking the courtly style of Malay letter writing that changed little during the period between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries from which the examples in this book are taken. There are 210...

Elite Malay Polygamy:

 Wives, Wealth and Woes in Malaysia


 Miriam Koktvedgaard Zeitzen

While it is an accepted fact that polygamy exists in Malaysia, it is not widespread and is generally more prevalent in rural areas. The author, with more than twenty years of experience in Malaysia and elsewhere researching polygamy and polyandry, concentrates here on wealthy families' experiences and anxieties about the practice. It is difficult to estimate the incidence of polygamy amongst  the elite in Kuala Lumpur and the surrounding urban areas because there are no official statistics. What the author found instead was a fair amount of anxiety amongst women that polygamy was a possibility. Because the practice is allowed - and some believe sanctioned by Islam - in Malaysia, wives often worry that their husbands are 'MBAs', Married But Available. New Hardback. First Edition. 277 pages with a bibliography and an index. 

Weight 0.7kg. Post free within Malaysia 

Published by Berghahn Books, New York 2018. ISBN: 9781785339905